Decorative sugars

Sugars for that creative touch
The skills of patisserie, viennoiserie and confectionery are constantly changing in line with current trends, expectations, consumption habits and more. When style and invention are called for, our Sug’art range of sugars will help you keep ahead. It’s all about taste – and talent.
In addition to opening up creative opportunities, Sug’art gives you the technical solutions to the challenges you encounter, such as moisture transfer.
Sug’art offers you four speciality sugars ready for every challenge and taste: pearls, icing, fondants and calibrated – a great gallery of granulometries, colours and with or without enrobing and aromas, to give you the creative freedom you are looking for – the freedom to play with all the shapes, colours and flavours you could wish for.
Our many sugar pearls, with multiple grain sizes, are available in a standard version or enrobed for protection against heat and humidity. Coloured and/or aromatised, use them to meet the demands of taste and seasonality while guaranteeing your customers 100% natural origins.
Decorative icing sugar
In addition to starch-containing icing sugar, we offer an enrobed type for improved stability in moist products and resistance during cooking and freezing. This novel sugar is available in several natural colours for seasonal applications.
Calibrated sugars
These sugars meet the need for homogenous crystals and the reliable whiteness and shininess called for by decorative challenges. Ideal for sprinkling on confectionery, biscuits and other boudoir products.
Ready to use or in powder form, these fondant sugars provide an optimal coating and brilliance.