Our business

Cristalco is one of Europe’s leaders on the sugar, alcohol and bioethanol markets. We market beet and cane sugar, ethyl alcohol from beets and wheat, as well as conventional and advanced bioethanol and ingredients extracted from the stevia plant. Cristalco is a responsible and sustainable partner with international presence, preserving its local roots while being open to the world. The company has sales turnover of 2.2 billion euros, operates in 80 countries and sells more than 1,000 products.

#1 Sugar supplier
to France’s food industry.
2 millions of tonnes of sugar delivered.
#1 supplier of Stevia ingredients made in Europe.

#1 In Europe for distribution of rectified ethyl alcohol.
#2 Producer of agricultural alcohol in Europe.
3.5 million hectolitres of ethyl alcohol.

#3 producer of bioethanol in Europe.
#1 company serving petrol distributors in France.
4 million hectolitres of bioethanol produced.