The detergents and organic chemistry industries are impressed both by the physico-chemical purity of our agriculturally-sourced alcohols and by our regenerated alcohols.
Cristalco’s range of rectified extra-neutral alcohols have been developed to satisfy the needs of industries specialising in the development and production of homecare, car careand personal care products or those used as reagents in the chemicals sector.
The need for biocides is a pressing pre-occupation today: Cristalco’s Biocidal® rectified ethyl alcohol is the reference standard for the production of gels and hydro-alcoholic solutions.
Our solutions
Filter by
Bio AB or Ecocert COSMOS
Ecocert Ecodetergent
Regenerated alcohol
Biocide Solutions
Biocide Solutions
Alcools éthyliques biocides • Biocidal® • Ecocert Ecodétergent • COSMOS Natural • fabriqués en France
Solvents Solutions
Solvents Solutions
Alcool éthyliques solvants • alcools rectifiés extra-neutres • alcools surfins natures et dénaturés • alcools régénérés EcoCycol®
Ethyl alcohols from organic agriculture
Ethyl alcohols from organic agriculture
Alcools éthyliques issus de l’agriculture biologique • Surfin 96° Bio • Organic Surfin 96° EC • Agriculture biologique • Ecocert COSMOS Organic
Contact our sales team
+33 1 42 99 00 00
Our sales team is at your disposal Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
*cost of a local call, depending on your operator