Cristal Union publishes its 2023 CSR report

This year, the Group’s CSR report highlights the strength of our cooperative model, and the Cristal Union’s ambitious trajectory in reducing its energy consumption and decarbonizing its activities.


Cristal Union publishes its 2023 CSR report

This year, the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report highlights the strength of our cooperative model, and the Cristal Union’s ambitious trajectory in reducing its energy consumption and decarbonizing its activities, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a global reference!

Our goals are to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions by 23% by 2030 compared to 2019 ; to make all our sugar factories energy self-sufficient by 2050, powered by beet pulps ; zero water withdrawals from natural sources to run our sugar factories by 2030.

Cooperators, employees, partners, customers : by uniting our efforts, we make this transformation possible. Our mission: shaping a high-performance, responsible agriculture and industry of excellence, focused on the challenges of tomorrow!


Click to download the report